Have you stopped receiving our club’s email announcements? Perhaps you accidentally unsubscribed or we don’t have your correct email address. If there are new posts in our News section, our website automatically sends out a summary of those articles in the TVAUG Newsletter – typically on the 1st and 15th of the month. In addition, we send out notices about all our upcoming meetings – typically on the Friday before. Both emails are distributed via an application called MailPoet.
You may not be receiving them for various reasons…
1) You may have accidentally Unsubscribed from our mailing list.
Down in the footer of every MailPoet email that we send there is a link to Unsubscribe that is required to enforce global Spam laws. It is easy to mistakenly click on that link. Heck…we’ve even had a board member who shall go nameless accidentally unsubscribe! If you Unsubscribed, just shoot us an email via the Contact Us page here.
2) Our emails are ending up in your Spam or Junk folders.
Many email service providers have very aggressive Spam filters and block any emails that have links to websites embedded. CenturyLink (previously Embarqmail) and Comcast are notorious for this. If you use one of those service providers for your email account, you may want to consider switching to an Apple Mail, iCloud, or Gmail address. After doing so, make sure you update your address in your account info or let use know via the Contact Us page here. You will also need to update your forum email address since that is a completely different website (groups.io).
3) Your email address is wrong in our membership system.
Many people change their email addresses as they move from one service provider to another – e.g. Comcast to Gmail. We even still have some old AOL and Yahoo addresses out there – shame on you! We also get emails “bounced” back to us as undeliverable – most often because there is a typo in your address. You should login and check your profile if you have recently changed its info. Please check it carefully and update it if necessary.
Those are the main reasons but there are sometimes others. So if you’re still not receiving our emails after checking those possibilities, send us an email via the Contact Us page here.